
Just another site

HKU Campus February 20, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifeaftercal @ 6:57 pm

At this point, I’m pretty comfortable with the campus now. I know where most things are and know where to print/get free printing. The HKU campus is not big. Probably the same amount of buildings in Berkeley but at a closer proximity. HKU is built on a huge SF-like hill. Pretty much my walk from class to class involves climbing and going down one million flights of stairs. But usually going up there are escalators.

My usual walk to class in the morning starts with 4 flights of stairs to reach an elevator. Elevator takes us up to the next floor where we go across a bridge to go to the next building. Then we exit the building to climb another flight of stairs. Then take 4 sets of escalators to exit to the ground floor area of the next building. Then I take one more elevator up to go to the first floor of that building. First floor is actually the 2nd since they call the bottom floor the ground floor.

It sounds pretty complicated but its actually pretty easy to get around. I like how much closer the buildings are. And usually building are built up, not spread out. We get 5 minutes to walk from class to class. You would think thats enough for how small the campus is, but waiting for elevators is a hassle. A million people trying to get on the same elevator to get on the 15th floor is not fun. Stop at every level. -_-


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